Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sweetened vanilla yogurt

I just love yogurt in any form be it the good old plain yogurt, spiced butter milk, or the fruit flavoured yogurts.
No meal for me is ever complete without some plain yogurt and rice. Growing up all I ever ate was yogurt and rice. And its a favourite among both my kids and husband. I make fresh plain yogurt almost every day.

However this is only the second time I am making this sweetened vanilla yogurt. Believe me it the best desert you can serve your guest especially after a heavy meal. You can serve it with some fresh cut fruits or layer with any fruit preserves toped with roasted nuts. And this all natural yogurt is loaded with all the probiotics that you need. Its smooth creamy vanilla taste make you want more.

Sweetened Vanilla Yogurt Recipe :


  • Always add the starter when the milk is warm.
  • Allow the yogurt to set in a warm place. Preferably inside the oven with the lights on.
  • And serve the yogurt chilled with a choice of fresh fruits or just as it is.



  1. Adding colorful fruits is the best option. Though the yogurt alone is already delicious, you still need toppings to make it delightfully enticing for your visitors. Or you can blend the fruit with the yogurt itself. ->Fresh & Healthy Brands



singapore, Singapore
Hello, Welcome to Eleventeen Recipes and counting authored by me, Shibi. This blog is an outlet to share my love for food, cooking and clicking. It includes a collection of traditional recipes from my mom, mother-in-law, sister and friends kitchens, and a few from cook books, other food blogs, and a few of my own experiments. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. Thank you.